Al Capone - The Real Scarface & the Mob

Al Capone, notorious as "Scarface," was a ruthless and influential gangster who rose to prominence in Chicago during the Prohibition era. Known for his brutal tactics and criminal empire, Capone became leader of the South Side Irish gang and controlled illegal activities such as bootlegging, gambling, and prostitution. His reign of terror spanned years, during which he ordered numerous murders and bombings to eliminate rivals and solidify his power. Capone's downfall came in 1931 when he was convicted of tax evasion and sentenced to 11 years in federal prison. His health deteriorated while incarcerated, and he died in 1947 from complications related to syphilis. Despite his imprisonment, Capone's legacy as one of the most notorious mobsters in American history persists today, immortalized in countless films and television shows that continue to captivate audiences with his legend.